
No constantly open vacancies are a part of the Crowe Expertiza HR Policy. At a time, the quantity and quality of the Company's personnel resources strictly correspond to the practical need determined by the current portfolio of orders, and vacancies open due to the natural staff rotation are immediately filled from the personnel resources. The candidates pool is in its turn formed by the Human Resources Directorate of Crowe Expertiza from among applicants for full-time positions in the Company as well as by searching for promising candidates in the labour market.

However, this does not mean that the road to Crowe Expertiza is difficult and hopeless.  On the contrary, we are always glad to see responsible, enterprising and qualified employees, aimed at professional growth and long-term work in our team.  For these employees, the absence of current vacancies will not be an obstacle to join the Company, and they will definitely get an attractive offer corresponding to their experience and professionalism.

Send your resumes in the form conforming to the standard template to the Human Resources Directorate of Crowe Expertiza, and you will get an interesting job with decent official compensation, medical insurance, compliance with labour laws, further professional and career growth in case we share similar views. Improving your professional qualifications will become a constant concern for the Company's management.

We invite specialists of all categories, from an assistant to a project manager, to join us.  Attracting new employees to full-time jobs is carried out in accordance with the long-term strategy of interaction and cooperation between staff and the Company.

You can use the feedback form as well, and be sure to receive a comprehensive answer to your suggestions in any case.